Our “raison dêtre”
This website is primarily dedicated to the books written by the late Norma Sluman, Canadian historical fiction author of Blackfoot Crossing, Poundmaker and The Amulet.
But, this website will also review and/or feature another book each month either about a prominent Canadian or by a Canadian author, photographer, artist, poet, historian, screenwriter, and so on. (Unless specifically stated, we receive no compensation from the promotion or sale of these featured books.)
So, we have created a FREE Book of the Month Club
Great, but what’s in this for you?
When we feature a book, we will give away one FREE COPY of that book, randomly drawn from all the valued readers on our mailing list.
Click here to see this month’s FREE Book of the Month Club feature book.
Once you join our mailing list – you’re automatically included in every monthly draw! (You only need to sign up one time.)
Not yet on our mailing list?
Monthly featured books, digital or hard copy, will be delivered electronically or shipped at NO charge to the winners. Monthly winners will be contacted for delivery information and for permission to be announced as such on this website.
Contact: Marnie Sluman Somers at: marnie@historicalfiction.ca
Box 1122, Carberry, Manitoba, Canada R0K 0H0
(204) 834-2479 Home | (204) 476-0483 Cell
Photo by: Ksenia Makagonova